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Three NUTS for Cinderella
(Tri orísky pro Popelku)
1973, regia di Václav Vorlícek
Scheda: Nazione: Cecoslovacchia-Germania Democratica (RDT) - Produzione: Filmové Studio Barrandov, DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme - Soggetto: da un testo di Bozena Nemcová - Sceneggiatura: Franticek Pavlícek, Václav Vorlícek - Fotografia: Josef Illík - Montaggio: Miroslav Hájek, Barbara Leuschner - Art Direction: Bohumil Nový, Werner Zieschang - Costumi: Theodor Pištěk jr, Günter Schmidt - Musiche: Karel Svoboda - Formato: Color - Durata: 75' (82').
Cast: Libuse Safránková, Pavel Trávnicek, Carola Braunbock, Rolf Hoppe, Karin Lesch, Kaliela Hlavácová, Jan Libíek, Vítezslav Jandák, Jaroslav Drbohlav, Vladimír Meník, Ilona Jirotkova, Helena Ruzicková.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - -
- - - - «The classical story of Cinderella is actually a little bit arranged
(Cinderella visits the castle ball only once), but it really didn't harm the final
result. There are many things that could be called perfect. At first, the main characters were chosen excellently - Pavel Trávníček is almost an archetype of a fairy-tale prince and the look of Libuše Šafránková needs no other
comment. Further, Karel Svoboda composed a legendary music accompaniment including the title song
Kdepak ty ptáčku hnízdo máš (Bird, where do you have your nest) sung by Karel Gott...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel; Drei Nüsse für Aschenbrödel; Three Wishes for Cinderella.