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(The Vikings)
1958, regia di Richard Fleischer
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Brynaprod S.A. - Distribuzione: Dear, MGM/UA Home Entertainment Inc., United Artists - Soggetto: dal romanzo The Viking di Edison Marshall, adattato da Dale Wasserman - Sceneggiatura: Calder Willingham - Fotografia: Jack Cardiff - Montaggio: Hugo Williams - Musiche: Mario Nascimbene, Gérard Schurmann - Formato: Technirama Technicolor - Durata: 114' (82').
Cast: Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, Ernest Borgnine, Janet Leigh, James Donald, Alexander Knox, Maxine Audley, Frank Thring, Eileen Way, Edric Connor, Dandy Nichols, Per Buckhøj, Almut Berg, Orson Welles (voce narrante).
Trama e commenti:
«Nel X secolo i Vichinghi, guerrieri e pirati della Scandinavia, per anni
hanno attaccato le coste inglesi. Durante un'incursione, il capo Ragnar uccide
il re e usa violenza alla regina di Northumbria. Nasce un bimbo che, dopo mille
disavventure, diventa re dei Vichinghi, sposa Morgana, assicurandosi la corona
inglese. Trascinante film d'avventure percorso da una forza d'immagini spesso
brutale e da un lirismo potente. Girato con larghi mezzi ha esaudito tutte le
ambizioni di un regista che si è avvalso dell'opera di professionisti come Jack
Cardiff per la fotografia e Mario Nascimbeni per la musica. Tratto dal romanzo
The Viking di Edison Marshall, sceneggiato da Calder Willingham. Nell'edizione
originale la voce narrante era di Orson Welles. I disegni animati (dell'UPA) che
aprono e chiudono il film sono ispirati a una tappezzeria di Bayeux. Superbo K.
Douglas, anche coproduttore».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - -
«Viking warriors led by
Borgnine raid the English coast, raping and plundering. In one small kingdom, he
kills the king and rapes the queen. The child who is born as a result of that
assault grows up to be Curtis, a Viking slave who knows nothing of his parentage.
He and Douglas, Borgnine's legitimate son, take a dislike to each other and
fight a duel, during which Curtis' falcon claws out one of Douglas' eyes.
Enraged, Douglas orders the slave tossed into a pit of giant crabs. Curtis is
saved when Donald, who was banished from England and is planning his return with
Viking help, recognizes an amulet Curtis wears which proclaims his true identity.
On another raid, the Norsemen carry off princess Leigh, and Douglas decides he
wants her, although she has fallen in love with Curtis. Leigh and Curtis escape
one night, and when Douglas and Borgnine chase them, the pursuing boat crashes
on the rocks in the fjord and sinks. Borgnine is pulled aboard by Curtis and
taken to England as a gift for evil king Thring. Thring orders the old Viking
chieftain thrown to their more civilized variation of the giant crab pit--the
ravenous wolf pit. Thring laughs when Borgnine asks to die like a Viking, with a
sword in his hand, but Curtis takes pity and cuts his hands free and gives him
his own sword. Borgnine almost gleefully jumps into the pit with a shout and
manages to take a few wolves to Valhalla with him. Thring is outraged, mostly at
the loss of his precious wolves, and orders that Curtis' hand be chopped off and
he be set adrift in the North Sea. The boat, of course, drifts straight back to
Norway where Curtis tells Douglas the fate of his father, and the two decide to
put aside their mutual hatred to seek vengeance on Thring. They sail to England
and attack the castle, and Douglas then frees Leigh and proposes marriage. She
tells him she loves Curtis and, when Douglas vows to kill him, she reveals that
they are half-brothers. Curtis shows up and the two fight a duel on the
battlements of the castle. Douglas gets the upper hand and is about to kill
Curtis, but he hesitates, apparently reluctant to kill his own kin. Curtis knows
nothing about any blood ties and uses Douglas' moment of indecision to drive his
own blade into his foe. The film concludes as Douglas is given a Viking funeral,
set adrift on a burning longship...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
- Movie
Conosciuto anche con i
titoli: Les Vikings; Die Wikinger; Los vikingos;
Viikingit; Vikingerne; Vikings, os Conquistadores.