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Giulietta e Romeo

Won 7 Academy Awards (Oscar): Best Actress in a Leading Role; Best Actress in a Supporting Role; Best Art Direction-Set Decoration; Best Costume Design;Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score; Best Picture; Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen. Another 43 wins & 59 nominations


1998, regia di John Madden



Scheda: Nazione: USA-GB - Produzione: Bedford Falls Productions, Miramax Films, Universal Pictures - Distribuzione: Miramax Films, United International Pictures, MCA/Universal Pictures, Alliance Atlantis Communications, Argentina Video Home, Lusomundo - Soggetto: Marc Norman, Tom Stoppard - Sceneggiatura: Marc Norman, Tom Stoppard - Fotografia: Richard Greatrex - Montaggio: David Gamble - Scenografia: Steven Lawrence - Costumi: Humberto Cornejo, Sandy Powell - Musiche: Stephen Warbeck - Effetti speciali: United Special Effects - Formato: Scope Color DeLuxe - Durata: 122'.

Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey Rush, Tom Wilkinson, Joseph Fiennes, Steve O'Donnell, Tim McMullen, Steven Beard, Antony Sher, Patrick Barlow, Martin Clunes, Sandra Reinton, Simon Callow, Judi Dench, Bridget McConnell, Georgie Glen, Nicholas Boulton, Imelda Staunton, Colin Firth, Rupert Everett.




Trama e commenti: - - it - -  - «Londra, estate 1593. Will Shakespeare (1564-1616), astro nascente della scena inglese, è in crisi creativa. Incontra la giovanissima Lady Viola che, patita di teatro, gli si presenta travestita da maschietto, ottenendo la parte di Romeo in un dramma d'amore ambientato a Verona, ancora in fase di scrittura. Scoperta la sua vera identità, il drammaturgo e l'ereditiera si amano appassionatamente. Preso da raptus creativo, Will finisce Romeo and Juliet. è Viola che, il giorno della prima, interpreta Giulietta. è un trionfo, propiziato dalla regina Elisabetta (J. Dench), vera dea ex machina del film. Scritto da Marc Norman e riscritto da Tom Stoppard (Rosencrantz e Guildenstern sono morti), ha avuto 3 Globi d'oro, 13 nomine ai premi Oscar e 7 statuette (film, sceneggiatura, G. Paltrow, J. Dench, scene, costumi, musica per commedia), un successo internazionale di pubblico e accoglienze critiche discordi...».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - «In a decade in which Shakespearean subjects had become increasingly popular, John Madden's Shakespeare In Love ripped the envelope and then some. Madden's treatment of Marc Norman's and Tom Stoppard's screenplay reminded audiences that Shakespeare's plays were works of flesh and blood, and their playwright a living, breathing human being who faced practical problems and used his best creative impulses, sometimes on the spur of the moment, to solve them. Joseph Fiennes's Shakespeare is a realistically human portrayal, the jumping-off point for one of the more robustly believable movie depictions of Elizabethan life, true to history in large measure, yet not afraid to allow some laughter and incorporate a historical conceit or two in telling its story. The movie won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Gwyneth Paltrow as Best Actress, and Judi Dench in a brief but memorable turn as Queen Elizabeth, revealed to be as quirkily and dimensionally human as Shakespeare himself» (Bruce Eder, All Movie Guide).

Approfondimenti: Movie Review

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