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1963, regia di Ferdinando Baldi
Scheda: Nazione: Italia-Spagna - Produzione: Alexandra Produzioni Cinematografiche, Procinsa - Distribuzione: Universal Films, Rank - Soggetto: Ferdinando Baldi, Adriano Bolzoni, Piero Pierotti - Sceneggiatura: Ferdinando Baldi, Adriano Bolzoni, Piero Pierotti - Fotografia: Francisco Herrada Marín - Montaggio: Otello Colangeli - Scenografia: Antonio Visone - Musiche: Carlo Savina - Formato: Techniscope Technicolor - Durata: 97'.
Cast: Mark Damon, Carlos Estrada, Fernando Cebrián, Paolo Gozlino, Andrés Mejuto, Maria Teresa Orsini, Rada Rassimov, Anna Maria Surdo, Adriana Ambesi, Gena Greck, Antonio Moreno, Josč Luis Pellicena, Victoria Prada, Freddy Unger, Ricardo Valle, Luis Vilar.
Trama e commenti:
«Mentre sta per andare in sposa al re di Castiglia, Bianca di Borbone,
durante una sosta del suo lungo viaggio, s'innamora del fratellastro del futuro
marito. Il re scaccia Bianca e sposa Maria Coronel. La sfida tra il sovrano e il
fratellastro continua; prima la regina e poi il re vengono uccisi. Il
responsabile sconta duramente la colpa e il tradimento».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: -
«This is one of the few films that can stand beside Samuel Bronston's El Cid
in dealing with the history of medieval Spain. It has the realistic ambiance of
the period because the settings are real period castles, not sets on a sound
stage. The plot is loosely based on history, with it's main fault being that it
casts Pedro the Cruel ( Mark Damon) as altogether too romantic and much more
sympathetic than the vicious lout he apparently was in reality. Likewise, the
bastard usurper brother Enrique de Trastamare (convincingly played by Paolo
Gozlino) is made out to be much more of a heel than he actually was. He
certainly would have been the better ruler since he had better judgment and more
self control. Nevertheless, it's a fast moving blood and thunder tale well
rendered and at least rooted in fact, and has a good feel for the period. It's
interesting to have a look at somewhere else in medieval Europe besides England
and France for a change. After all, Spain, Portugal, and the Italian states and
some other principalities were big players at that time, too».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Pedro el Cruel; Les Révoltés de Tolčde; The Tyrant of Castile.