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The Reckoning
2003, regia di Paul McGuigan
Scheda: Nazione: GB-Spagna - Produzione: Kanzaman S.A., M.D.A. Films S.L., Renaissance Films - Distribuzione: Columbia TriStar Films, Paramount Classics - Soggetto: dal romanzo Morality Play di Barry Unsworth - Sceneggiatura: Mark Mills - Fotografia: Peter Sova - Montaggio: Andrew Hulmer - Art Direction: Julian Ashby, Jordi Yria Roca - Scenografia: Andrew McAlpine - Costumi: Yvonne Blake - Musiche: Adrian Lee, Mark Mancina - Effetti speciali: Cesar Abades, Stuart Brisdon, Mill Film - Formato: Color - Durata: 112' (107').
Cast: Paul Bettany, Marian Aguilera, Willem Dafoe, Gina McKee, Trevor Steedman, Simon McBurney, Tom Hardy, Vincent Cassel, Brian Cox, Stuart Wells, Elvira Mínguez, Richard Durden, Ewen Bremner, Mark Benton, Hamish McColl, Matthew MacFadyen, Luke de Woolfson, Niall Buggy, Julian Barratt, Luisa Requena Baron, Pedro Martinez De Dioni, Tom Georgeson, Simon Pegg.
Trama e commenti: - - «Inghilterra del quattordicesimo secolo.
Nicholas, un prete in fuga, si unisce alla compagnia tetrale di Martin e insieme a loro giunge in una cittadina sconvolta per l'omicidio di un ragazzo. Le accuse cadono su Martha, una ragazza sordomuta che non può difendersi. Gli attori decidono di portare sulle scene una rappresentazione basata sui fatti accaduti per tentare di risolvere il
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
- -
- «...The
Middle Ages were hard times, boy. What with the plague and all. But, a
child-killer on the loose? Now that's just adding insult to injury. Luckily,
Willem Dafoe and Paul Bettany are on the case! Nicholas the Priest has become
Nicholas the Fugitive. We find him alone in the wilderness, flashing back to his
previous life -- just days ago -- as a respected member of the cloth for a small
village. But when the lure of a peasant wife sucks him into a sweaty bout of
adultery, he became an outcast, and an empty robe. As he wanders the woods he
falls upon a band of traveling actors, headed by Martin (Dafoe), who are getting
ready for their next gig. After much begging and an embarrassing audition, he
convinces them to let him join the troupe, much to the chagrin of the some of
the veteran players, particularly the grumpy Tobias (Brian Cox). The troupe's
travels take them into a village ruled over by a mysterious potentate, Lord De
Guise (Vincent Cassell). They hit the town just in time to witness a guilty
verdict handed down to a child-killer, a deaf-mute woman charged with murdering
a young boy...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: El Misterio de Wells
; Morality Play.