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(The Vagabond King)
1956, regia di Michael Curtiz
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Paramount Pictures - Distribuzione: Paramount Pictures - Soggetto (dall'operetta di Rudolf Friml e dalla commedia di Justin Huntly McCarthy): Brian Hooker, William H. Post - Sceneggiatura: Ken Englund, Noel Langley - Fotografia: Robert Burks - Montaggio: Arthur P. Schmidt - Art Direction: Henry Bumstead, Hal Pereira - Arredamento: Sam Comer, Grace Gregory - Costumi: Mary Grant - Musiche: Victor Young, Rudolf Friml - Effetti speciali: John P. Fulton - Formato: Vistavision Technicolor - Durata: 86'.
Cast: Kathryn Grayson, Oreste Kirkop, Rita Moreno, Cedric Hardwicke, Walter Hampden, Leslie Nielsen, William Prince, Jack Lord, Billy Vine, Harry McNaughton, Florence Sundstrom, Lucie Lancaster, Raymond Bramley, Gregory Morton, Richard Tone, Ralph Sumpter, G. Thomas Duggan, Gavin Gordon.
Trama e commenti:
- «Biografia in chiave musicale di François Villon, poeta maledetto nella Francia di Luigi XI. Durante l'assedio di Parigi, Villon contesta duramente la politica del re e gli vuota i magazzini dei viveri. Il monarca decide allora di cooptarlo nel suo ministero. Villon vince la battaglia con i borgognoni e si guadagna
l'amore di una bella dama».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - -
- «...Paramount's investment in the film was not returned at the box office, perhaps because Kirkop, the Maltese tenor Paramount hoped would be their answer to Mario Lanza, just didn't have the fire to bring off the flashy role of rogue poet Francois Villon. The plot remains essentially the same: in 15th-century Paris, weak King Louis XI (Walter Hampden) is under attack from the forces of the Duke of Burgundy. There are traitors in court; on the streets, Villon and his lover, Huguette (Rita Moreno), mock the king in song. Villon is about to go over to the Burgundians, but when he discovers how much Louis really does care about his people, he switches his allegiance, taking up with the king's niece, Catherine (Kathryn Grayson), in the process. In the ensuing battle, Huguette is killed, Villon bests the villains with the help of the Parisian populace, and Catherine (who earlier offered herself in Villon's place when the poet was imprisoned for previous crimes) is reunited with her love...».