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(The War Lord)
1965, regia di Franklin J. Schaffner
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Court Productions, Fraser Productions, Universal Pictures - Distribuzione: MCA, Universal Pictures - Soggetto: dal lavoro teatrale The Lovers di Leslie Stevens - Sceneggiatura: John Collier, Millard Kaufman - Fotografia: Russell Metty - Montaggio: Folmar Blangsted - Scenografie: Oliver Emert, John McCarthy jr. - Musiche: Jerome Moross, Hans J. Salter - Effetti speciali: Albert Whitlock, Jim Danforth - Formato: Panavision Technicolor - Durata: 120'.
Cast: Charlton Heston, Richard Boone, Rosemary Forsyth, Maurice Evans, Guy Stockwell, Niall MacGinnis, James Farentino, Henry Wilcoxon, Sammy Ross, Woodrow Parfrey, John Alderson, Allen Jaffe, Michael Conrad, Dal Jenkins, Johnny Jensen, Forrest Wood, Belle Mitchell.
Trama e commenti:
- «Nel
secolo undicesimo, gli uomini del normanno e cristiano Chrisagon respingono
un'invasione del villaggio dei Celti da parte dei Frigi. Chrisagon si innamora
della figlia del re frigio Odins, gią promessa a un'altro, la rapisce e,
riamato da lei, rifiuta di riconsegnarla allo sposo legittimo. Celti e Frigi,
accomunati dalla fede nelle stesse tradizioni pagane, si coalizzano contro il
dispotico normanno. Con eccessi retorici, Schaffner (Patton, generale
d'acciaio) sviluppa nel Medio Evo alcuni temi che gli sono cari, quello
dell'eroe in contrasto con i tempi in cui vive e dell'ambigua dialettica tra
civiltą e barbarie».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - -
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«This accurate accont of medieval life opens with Heston, an 11th Century
Morman knight, driving off a group of Frisians intent on invading a primitive
Druid town. Heston, lord of the town, later spies Forsyth as she bathes in a
stream. Forsyth is engaged to Farentino, son of the town's leader MacGinnis.
Using the law of le droit du seigneur (a custom which allows a lord to take any
bride he desires on her wedding night), Heston has his way with Forsyth. In the
course of the evening Heston and Forsyth fall in love. When she refuses to leave
the knight, her spurned husband vows revenge. Farentino goes to the Frisians,
telling them their king's son is a prisoner in his village. Stockwell, Heston's
brother, tries to take over as lord, and the siblings engage in a duel.
Stockwell is killed, and Heston returns the captive prince to the Frisians. The
band also takes in Forsyth for her own safety. Heston is attacked by Farentino's
men and, though wounded, the knight is able to get away to the woman he loves.
This period piece is a fine example of cinema's ability to recreate long-gone
eras. The period detail is exact, from costuming to the imposing tower from
which Heston rules the village. The violence is brutal and bloody, with a
savagely relistic climactic battle. Heston is fine in his role and is given
excellent support by an ensemble that never stoops to histrionics. Stockwell,
actor Dean Stockwell's brother, made his acting debut in this movie, as did
Farentino. In one fight sequence Heston engages in some well-choreographed
swordplay with Joe Canutt, son of legendary Hollywood stuntman Yakima Canutt.
Despite its many excellent qualities...».
Approfondimenti: Movie