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il principe coraggioso
(Prince Valiant)
1954, regia di Henry Hathaway
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: 20th Century Fox - Distribuzione: 20th Century Fox - Soggetto (dai fumetti di Hal Foster): Dudley Nichols - Sceneggiatura: Dudley Nichols - Fotografia: Lucien Ballard - Montaggio: Robert L. Simpson - Art Direction: Mark-Lee Kirk, Lyle Wheeler - Arredamento: Stuart A. Reiss, Walter M. Scott - Musiche: Franz Waxman - Effetti speciali: Ray Kellogg - Formato: Cinemascope Technicolor - Durata: 100'.
Cast: James Mason, Janet Leigh, Robert Wagner, Debra Paget, Sterling Hayden, Victor McLaglen, Donald Crisp, Brian Aherne, Barry Jones, Mary Philips, Howard Wendell, Tom Conway, Robert Adler, Neville Brand, John Dierkes, Fortune Gordien, Jarma Lewis, Don Megowan, Lou Nova, Primo Carnera.
Trama e commenti:
- - «Il
giovane principe vichingo Valiant si affida a re Artů nella speranza di ottenere
aiuto per riconquistare il trono di suo padre, sottrattogli da un usurpatore. Ma
anche in Inghilterra si ordiscono trame. Buon film d'avventura, come se ne
facevano un tempo, leggermente distaccato dalla routine del genere e fedelmente
riportato dalle storie a fumetti di Hal Foster. Filmato in Cinemascope con uso
asicromatico del colore. Rifatto nel
e, prima in cartoon, nel
attraverso una serie televisiva. Il giovane Robert Wagner appare negli accrediti
sotto James Mason e Vivien Leight, ma č lui il vero potagonista».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb - - - - - -
«Straight from the funny papers
to the screen comes Prince Valiant, the heroic King Features Syndicate character,
in the form of a young Wagner. Set in the days of King Arthur, this lavishly
mounted entry has Wagner playing the son of Crisp, the King of Scandia, who is
exiled when the evil and powerful Carnera assumes control. Wagner travels to
Camelot in hopes of receiving help from King Arthur, played by Aherne. En route,
he overhears a plot by the Black Knight to capture Crisp and his family,
imprison them in Carnera's dungeons, and overthrow Aherne. Wagner hurriedly
warns Aherne, who subsequently rewards him by making him a squire to Hayden.
Mason, another of Aherne's Knights of the Round Table, also makes a request for
Wagner's services. As a pupil of Hayden's, Wagner learns how to handle a sword
and quickly becomes a valuable asset to Camelot. Impressed with his derring-do,
princess Leigh falls completely in love with "Val," as Wagner soon comes to be
known. Wagner receives a request for assistance from his father, and quickly
rides off to help. Along the way, however, he is ambushed by the Black Knight
who he discovers is Mason in disguise. Wagner and Leigh are carted off to
Scandia and reunited with Crisp--in one of Carnera's dungeon cells. Wagner
cannot be stopped that easily and soon escapes. He gets help from McLaglen and
his loyal Viking followers, who help him storm the castle. Leigh is rescued as
Wagner burns the castle to a cinder. On his safe return to Camelot, Wagner
exposes Mason as the villain and, after an athletic, exciting sword battle,
kills him. Looked upon as a brilliant hero, Wagner is knighted by Aherne and
receives the hand of Leigh. One of a handful of medieval knights-in-armor films...».
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Prinz Eisenherz; Prince Vaillant; El Principe Valiente.