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I predatori dell'Arca perduta
(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
1981, regia di Steven Spielberg
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Lucasfilm Ltd., Paramount Pictures - Distribuzione: CIC - Philips Video Classics, Pioneer Electronics, Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, CIC Vídeo, CIC-Taft Home Video, Cinéma International Corporation, Premer Video Film - Soggetto: George Lucas, Philip Kaufman - Sceneggiatura: Lawrence Kasdan - Fotografia: Douglas Slocombe - Montaggio: Michael Kahn, George Lucas - Art Direction: Leslie Dilley - Scenografia: Norman Reynolds - Costumi: Deborah Nadoolman - Musiche: John Williams - Effetti speciali: Industrial Light & Magic - Formato: Panavision, Metrocolor Scope - Durata: 115'.
Cast: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Anthony Higgins, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott, Alfred Molina, Wolf Kahler, Vic Tablian, Don Fellows, William Hootkins, Bill Reimbold, Fred Sorenson, Patrick Durkin, Matthew Scurfield, Malcolm Weaver, Sonny Caldinez, Anthony Chinn, Pat Roach, Christopher Frederick, Tutte Lemkow, Ishaq Bux.
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Trama e commenti:
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«Nel 1936, l'americano Indiana Jones, noto avventuriero ed insegnante di archeologia al Marshall College, č incaricato dal governo americano di ritrovare l'Arca dell'Alleanza, uno scrigno che contiene le tavole dei Dieci Comandamenti. Azione ed avventura in una caccia al tesoro intorno al mondo contro i perfidi nazisti. Il film che rappresenta l'origine del mito. Nato dalle ceneri dei vecchi serial americani degli anni '30 e '40 grazie alla vulcanica mente di George Lucas, il film vinse quattro Oscar (per le scenografie, il suono, il montaggio e gli effetti visivi) e ottenne altrettante
nominations (miglior film, regista, colonna sonora, fotografia). Incassň 115 milioni di dollari soltanto sul mercato nordamericano ed č considerato una pietra miliare nella storia
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb -
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«Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is no ordinary archeologist. When we first see him, he is somewhere in the Peruvian jungle in 1936, running a booby-trapped gauntlet (complete with an over-sized rolling boulder) to fetch a solid-gold idol. He loses this artifact to his chief rival, a French archeologist named Belloq (Paul Freeman), who then prepares to kill our hero. In the first of many serial-like escapes, Indy eludes Belloq by hopping into a convenient plane. So, then: is Indiana Jones afraid of anything? Yes, snakes. The next time we see Jones, he's a soft-spoken, bespectacled professor. He is then summoned from his ivy-covered environs by Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliott) to find the long-lost Ark of the Covenant. The Nazis, it seems, are already searching for the Ark, which the mystical-minded Hitler hopes to use to make his stormtroopers invincible. But to find the Ark, Indy must first secure a medallion kept under the protection of Indy's old friend Abner Ravenwood, whose daughter, Marion (Karen Allen), evidently has a "history" with Jones. Whatever their personal differences, Indy and Marion become partners in one action-packed adventure after another, ranging from wandering the snake pits of the Well of Souls to surviving the pyrotechnic unearthing of the sacred Ark. A joint project of Hollywood prodigies George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, with a script co-written by Lawrence Kasdan and Philip Kaufman, among others,
Raiders of the Lost Ark is not so much a movie as a 115-minute thrill ride. Costing 22 million dollars (nearly three times the original estimate),
Raiders of the Lost Ark reaped 200 million dollars during its first run...»
(Hal Erickson).
Approfondimenti: Movie
Il sito ufficiale del film - Filmati
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.