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Il principe Thorvald
(The Norseman)
1978, regia di Charles B. Pierce
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Charles B. Pierce Film Productions, Fawcett-Majors Productions - Distribuzione: American International Pictures, MGM-UA Home Entertainment - Soggetto: Charles B. Pierce - Sceneggiatura: Charles B. Pierce - Fotografia: Robert Bethard - Montaggio: Bobby Bell, Stephen P. Dunn, Aladar Klein, Shirak Kojayan, Sarah Legon - Musiche: Jaime Mendoza-Nava - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.
Cast: Lee Majors, Cornel Wilde, Mel Ferrer, Jack Elam, Susie Coelho, Christopher Connelly, Jimmy Clem, Deacon Jones, Denny Miller, Fred Biletnikoff, Seamon Glass, Kathleen Freeman, Jerry Daniels, Steve Denny, Chuck Pierce jr., Frank Anderson, Jess Pearson (voce narrante).
Trama e commenti: - - - «Nell'XI
secolo per il principe vichingo Thorwald inizia un'incredibile avventura: parte
alla volta del Nord America alla ricerca del padre, re della Norvegia, rapito
dai pellerossa. Indigesto mitologico precolombiano di serie B. Primo ruolo per
Lee Majors, che migliorerą in seguito».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
- -
stodgy 11th-century drama, featuring Majors in the starring role. He portrays a
Viking prince who sets out across the Atlantic from his Greenland home in search
of his father, the king. Accompanying him is his Viking horde, decked out in
their best: furs, armor, and horned hats. They travel to North America, where
Majors' father, Ferrer, and his party have been captured by Indians. With the
help of a friendly Indian maiden, Coelho, they do find the king and his party,
but their eyes have been gouged out. The Vikings engage in a few battles with
the Indians (shot in a lot of gratuitous slow motion) and bring the prisoners
back home».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Thorvald le Viking.