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Lucrezia Borgia
1980, regia di Brian Large
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Covent Garden Pioneer FSP - Distribuzione: BBC Enterprises Limited, Covent Garden Pioneer FSP, Kultur, Pioneer - Soggetto: da un'opera di Victor Hugo, e dal libretto di Felice Romani - Costumi: Michael Stennett - Musiche: da Gaetano Donizetti - Formato: Colore - Durata: 140'.
Cast: Joan Sutherland, Alfredo Kraus, Anne Howells, Stafford Dean, Francis Egerton, Roderick Kennedy, Paul Hudson, Robin Leggate, Jonathan Summers, Philip Gelling, Michael Goldthorpe, Edward Sadler, Anthony Smith, Alan Jenkins, Gwynneth Price.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - «This 1980
Covent Garden production of Donizetti's opera based on the infamous dramatic
heroine was undertaken so that one of the few sopranos who would dare tackle the
fearsome range of Lucrezia Borgia - Dame Joan Sutherland - could do so in a
setting amenable to her talent. And tackle it she does...».
Dramma musicale per la tv.