Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Indice alfabetico dei film |
1976, regia di Francisco Rovira Beleta
Scheda: Nazione: Spagna - Produzione: Óscar Producciones Cinematográficas - Distribuzione: Mercurio Films - Soggetto: Carlos Blanco - Sceneggiatura: Carlos Blanco - Fotografia: Francisco Sempere - Montaggio: Antonio Ramírez de Loaysa - Musiche: Waldo de los Ríos - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: 105'.
Cast: Maribel Martín, Juan Ribó, José Maria Rodero, Miguel Narros, Carlos Ballesteros, José Calvo, Manuel Andrade, Terele Pávez, Fernando Baeza, José Bódalo, Fernando E. Romero, Alfredo Calles, José Canalejas, Carmen Carrión, Ana Gasber, Lara José, José Manuel Martín, Francisco Merino, Julián Navarro, José María Pou, José Riesgo, Yolanda Ríos, Rafael Vaquero, Ana María Ventura.
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: -
«A beautiful love story in 1400's middle age Spain about the romance between the ones how would later get married and become Elizabeth, Queen of Castille and Ferdinand, King of Aragon. As a couple, the "Catholic Kings" who finally united the kingdoms into one that became known as Spain. The struggles and adventures of Ferdinand to penetrate into Castille territory to meet his cousin Elizabeth with whom he falls in love.
... How Ferdinand wins battles against the Castilean enemies using his magic sword "the black
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: The Black Sword.