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Elisabetta d'Inghilterra
(Fire Over England)
1937, regia di William K. Howard
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: London Film Productions - Distribuzione: United Artists, Lumivision, Mander 1937 - Soggetto: da un racconto di A. E. W. Mason - Sceneggiatura: Clemence Dane, Sergei Nolbandov - Fotografia: James Wong Howe - Montaggio: Jack Dennis - Art Direction: Mm - Scenografia: Le - Costumi: René Hubert - Musiche: Richard Addinsell - Effetti speciali: Lawrence W. Butler, Edward Colman, Ned Mann - Formato: B.N. - Durata: 92'.
Cast: Flora Robson, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, Raymond Massey, Leslie Banks, Morton Selten, Tamara Desni, Lyn Harding, George Thirlwell, Henry Oscar, Robert Rendel, Robert Newton, Donald Calthrop, Charles Carson, Francis De Wolff , Cecil Mainwaring, Roy Russell
Trama e commenti:
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Dizionario Farinotti:
«Il film non è, come
suggerisce il titolo italiano, la biografia di Elisabetta d'Inghilterra, ma la
storia di un suo fedele suddito che sventò un complotto ordito contro di lei
dal re di Spagna Filippo II. Sono forse più memorabili i retroscena di questo
film: Olivier e Vivien Leigh si innamorano sul set».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«Captured during a tempestuous
sea battle with the Spanish navy, Michael Ingolby is allowed to escape by the
Spanish commander, who happens to be an old friend of his father. He only makes
it as far as the Spanish coast but survives when a sympathetic family takes him
in and nurses him back to health. While recuperating, Michael learns that his
father has been executed by the Spaniards. Devastated, he flees home to England
in a rickety fishing boat and reports the news to Queen Elizabeth, urging her to
attack Spain. Queen Elizabeth is impressed by the young man's patriotism and sends Michael
back to Spain with orders to enter King Philip's court as a spy. Once here, he
uncovers a plot to assassinate Elizabeth, but is eventually recognized by the
Spaniards and imprisoned. Once again, with help from his captors, Michael
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Fiamme sull'Inghilterra.