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(Christopher Columbus)
1949, regia di David MacDonald
Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Gainsborough Pictures - Distribuzione: Eagle Lyon, Avo Film, Universal International Pictures - Soggetto: dal romanzo di Rafael Sabatini - Sceneggiatura: Muriel Box, Sydney Box, Cyril Roberts - Fotografia: Stephen Dade - Montaggio: Vladimir Sagovsky - Costumi: Elizabeth Haffenden - Musiche: Arthur Bliss - Formato: Technicolor - Durata: 80' (104').
Cast: Fredric March, Florence Eldridge, Francis L. Sullivan, Kathleen Ryan, Derek Bond, Nora Swinburne, Abraham Sofaer, Linden Travers, James Robertson Justice, Dennis Vance, Richard Aherne, Felix Aylmer, Francis Lister, Edward Rigby, Niall MacGinnis, Ralph Truman, Ronald Adam, Guy Le Feuvre, Lyn Evans, David Cole, Hugh Pryse, Stuart Lindsell.
Trama e commenti:
«Accanitamente convinto di poter buscare il
Levante andando verso Ponente, Colombo, navigatore genovese, cerca i mezzi e
le palanche per la spedizione alla corte di Castiglia. E la regina
Isabella si fa convincere. Tedioso e inamidato. "Persino un bambino di dieci
anni lo troverebbe eccitante come un pomeriggio passato a guardare cartoline
natalizie" (Time). Chi si contenta puņ ammirare le scene e i costumi».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
«Essentially lifeless story of "the Great Navigator" starring Mr. and Mrs.
Fredric March. Lots of costumes, backstage intrigues at the Spanish court, many
extras, and what would appear to be all the elements of a successful movie. But
making a film is like baking a cake--if you have all the right ingredients and
the wrong recipe, it'll come out flat. Such was the case with this film. Fully
half of it took place in Isabella's court and by the time we get to the good
stuff, our yawns have superseded our interest. Columbus (March) and son (Cole)
want to meet Isabella (Eldridge). They ask a priest (Aylmer) to arrange it.
Sullivan has Eldridge's ear at court and wants to keep March away, so he
conspires to keep March at arm's length, claiming that the idea of finding a
passage to the New World is foolhardy. Eldridge must be a Libra because she
can't make up her mind, so March and son (who is never identified by name) leave
and then are called back by the queen's messenger. The voyage of the Nina, the
Pinta, and the Santa Maria looks like a bunch of miniatures and the travails of
the sailors are ho-hum. They discover America, have a triumphant return to Spain,
then are back at sea again. There is fall from favor, and eventually March
languishes in obscurity, which is exactly what happened to this very expensive
movie. The dialog is stiff, the actors stiffer, and the whole thing lumbers
along like a fat dog after a huge meal».