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(Happily Ever After)
1993, regia di John Howley
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Filmation Associates, Kel Air Productions - Distribuzione: Vivivideo, Penta Distribuzione, First National Pictures Inc. - Soggetto (ispirato alla fiaba dei fratelli Grimm): Robby London, Martha Moran - Sceneggiatura: Robby London, Martha Moran - Fotografia: Fred Ziegler - Montaggio: Joe Gall, Jeffrey C. Patch - Musiche: Frank W. Becker - Formato: Color, animazione - Durata: 82'.
Voci: Edward Asner, Irene Cara, Carol Channing, Dom DeLuise, Phyllis Diller, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Linda Gary, Jonathan Harris, Michael Horton, Sally Kellerman, Malcolm McDowell, Tracey Ullman, Frank Welker.
Trama e commenti:
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«Versione al limite dell'orrore della storia di Biancaneve, dove la
protagonista e il suo principe non riescono a sposarsi, dove ci sono le
cuginette dei nani al posto di Brontolo e compagni, i mostri aggrediscono la
fanciulla, il principe viene trasformato per incantesimo nell'Uomo Ombra. Il
finale, perņ, č lieto, come si conviene a una fiaba».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review:
IMDb -
«This saccharine animated film is aimed at children who wondered what
happened to Snow White after the end of the classic Disney film. Though buoyed
up by the guest voices of well-known personalities, Happily ever After is
visually more in league with Smurfs or Care Bears than the original
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. En
route to the home of the Seven Dwarfs with a wedding invitation, Snow White
(Irene Cara) and her Prince (Michael Horton) encounter Lord Maliss (Malcolm
McDowell), whose wicked, mirror-obsessed sister was felled by Snow White.
Transforming himself into a dragon, Maliss bewitches the Prince and nearly
gobbles up Snow White, who flees into a thicket. Only the bungling of Maliss's
aides, Scowl the Owl (Ed Asner) and Batso the Bat (Frank Welker) save her.
Encountering the Dwarfelles, the female cousins of her old friends, the fairy
tale princess begs for help. Before they can respond, the tiny creatures--led by
Muddy (Carol Channing) and Sunburn (Sally Kellerman)--must pass inspection by
Mother Nature (Phylis Dlller) who's already perturbed by Thunderella (Tracey
Ullman), who doesn't perform up to the time-honored Dwarfelle standards. Only by
safely leading Snow White through the Realm of Doom can the Dwarfelles redeem
Approfondimenti: Movie