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(Snow White and the Three Stooges)
1961, regia di Walter Lang
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Chanford - Distribuzione: The 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, U.M.& M. TV Corporation - Soggetto: Charles Wick - Sceneggiatura: Noel Langley, Elwood Ullman - Fotografia: Leon Shamroy - Montaggio: Jack W. Holmes - Scenografie: Maurice Ransford, Jack Martin Smith - Costumi: Renié - Musiche: Earl K. Brent, Harry Harris, Lyn Murray - Effetti speciali: L. B. Abbott, Emil Kosa jr. - Formato: Cinemascope Color DeLuxe - Durata: 107'.
Cast: Carol Heiss, Larry Fine, Joe DeRita, Moe Howard, Edson Stroll, Patricia Medina, Guy Rolfe, Michael David, Buddy Baer, Edgar Barrier, Peter Coe, Marie Blake, Mark Bailey.
Trama e commenti:
- Dizionario Farinotti:
«Biancaneve viene imprigionata dalla terribile matrigna la quale, gelosa
della bellezza della fanciulla, ne desidera la morte. Il killer incaricato di
eliminare Biancaneve decide perņ di risparmiarla abbandonandola in mezzo al
bosco. Biancaneve arriva quindi alla casa dei sette nani dove vivono anche i tre
Compari e un altro giovane detto "il Quarto". Tra Biancaneve e il
Quarto nasce l'amore e, una volta sbarazzatisi della perfida matrigna, vivranno
a lungo felici e contenti».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - -
«Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Fortunia, a Queen gave birth to a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as rubies, and hair as black as ebony. She was called Snow White. Soon after her birth, however, her mother died. In time, the king remarried. His new Queen was a beautiful, but evil woman who soon became jealous of Snow White's beauty.
On the day of her 17th birthday, Snow White's father died, and the Queen immediately imprisoned her. Eventually, the Queen's jealousy of her stepdaughter became so great, that she ordered her killed. Snow White escaped her hired assassin, and found refuge in the empty cottage of the seven dwarfs, soon to be joined by "Ye Stooges Three" who are traveling to the castle with their ward. But the boy they have raised since childhood (also narrowly escaping an assassination attempt by the wicked Queen} is in reality Prince Charming, who, though he has lost his memory, is actually betrothed to Snow
White. Snow White and the Prince fall in love, of course, but the Queen...».
Approfondimenti: Movie
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Snow White and the Three Clowns.