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1984, regia di Mario Monicelli
Scheda: Nazione: Italia - Produzione: Filmauro S.r.l. - Distribuzione: Gaumont - Soggetto: liberamente tratto dall'omonimo libro di Giulio Cesare Croce - Sceneggiatura: Leonardo Benvenuti, Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Piero De Bernardi, Mario Monicelli - Fotografia: Camillo Bazzoni - Montaggio: Ruggero Mastroianni - Costumi: Gianna Gissi - Musiche: Nicola Piovani - Formato: Panoramico Eastmancolor - Durata: 121' (128').
Cast: Ugo Tognazzi, Maurizio Nichetti, Alberto Sordi, Lello Arena, Annabella Schiavone, Pamela Denise Roberts, Margherita Pace, Isabelle Illiers, Donald Michael Stumpf, Carlo Bagno, Fiorella Bettoja, Piero Zardini, Jole Silvani, Luigi Bonos, Patrizia La Fonte, Mario Zazza, Vanessa Vitale, Michela Carusa, Aristide Caporale, Edoardo Florio, Cecilia Cerocchi, Giuseppe Terranova, Carla Colombardo, Franco Adducci, Amelia Del Frate, Rosa Fanali.
«Alla corte di re Alboino, le disavventure del contadino Bertoldo e di suo figlio Bertoldino, nonché la storia, tratta dal
Decameron, di frate Cipolla. Assente il personaggio di Cacasenno» (Vito
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Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb
«This enjoyable parody of classic fairytales about kingdoms and despotic kings is set in the year 1000 and stars Italy's Ugo Tognazzi in top form as Bertoldo, a crafty peasant who has to outwit the king (not necessarily a difficult job) and others in order to stay afloat and alive. Joining him for awhile is Fra Cipolla (Alberto Sordi), a fake priest out to fleece his flock whenever the opportunity presents itself. Among the many comic episodes in the film is one in which Fra Cipolla and Bertoldo, and little Bertoldino (Bertoldo's son) hide some gold coins in a donkey's stomach and then sell the beast -- now with a certain amount of indigestion -- to a peasant family who are amazed at the end results. The king condemns Bertoldo to death by hanging for this trickery, but at the same time -- and much to his undoing -- he agrees to let Bertoldo choose the tree. That is not an easy task. Months later, Bertoldo...»
(Eleanor Mannikka).
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cascacenno.