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(The Fall of the Roman Empire)
1964, regia di Bundsmann Anton (Anthony Mann)
Scheda: Nazione: USA-Spagna - Produzione: Samuel Bronston Productions - Distribuzione: Rank-Ricordi Video, Bmg Video - Soggetto: Ben Bazman, Basilio Franchina, Philip Jordan - Sceneggiatura: Ben Bazman, Basilio Franchina, Philip Jordan - Fotografia: Robert Krasker - Montaggio: Robert Lawrence, Magdalena Paradell - Scenografia: John Moore - Musiche: Dimitri Tiomkin - Formato: Ultrapanavision Technicolor - Durata: 185'.
Cast: Alec Guinness, Sophia Loren, James Mason, Stephen Boyd, Omar Sharif, Mel Ferrer, Christopher Plummer, Michael Gwynn, Gabriella Licudi, Rafael Luis Calvo, Finlay Currie, Lena Von Martens, Peter Damon, John Ireland, Anthony Quayle.
Trama e commenti:
«181-183 dopo Cristo: sotto il regno dell'imperatore Commodo, succeduto al
padre Marc'Aurelio morto di veleno, l'impero comincia a vacillare. Intanto
popoli barbari...».
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - -
«An overlong, though sometimes engrossing, spectacle that attempts to
chronicle the bloody transitional period following the death of Marcus Aurelius
(Guinness). Philosopher-emperor Guinness calls a meeting of his family clan and
supporters at his fortress in Germany. He confides to daughter Loren that he
intends to make his adopted son, Boyd, the new emperor upon his death, instead
of his legal heir, Plummer. Blind soothsayer Ferrer, who is one of Plummer's
cronies, overhears Guinness and poisons him. Following Guinness' death, Loren
tells Boyd of the dead emperor's wishes, but he spurns the throne and allows the
strutting Plummer to become Rome's new Caesar. The empire begins to erode as...».