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La regina dei barbari
(The Barbarian Queen)
1985, regia di Héctor Olivera
Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Rodeo Productions - Distribuzione: Concorde, Vestron Video - Soggetto: Howard R. Cohen - Sceneggiatura: Howard R. Cohen - Fotografia: Rudy Donovan - Montaggio: Leslie Rosenthal, Silvia Roberts - Musiche: Christopher Young, James Horner - Formato: Metrocolor - Durata: 94' (70').
Cast: Lana Clarkson, Katt Shea, Frank Zagarino, Dawn Dunlap, Susana Traverso, Victor Bo, Arman Chapman, Andrea Barbizon, Tony Middleton, Andrea Scriven, Robert Carson, Matilda Muir, Eddie Little, Patrick Duggan, Lucy Tiller, Ivan Green, Theo McNabney, Richard R. Jordan.
Trama e commenti:
Dizionario Farinotti:
«Un crudele "signore della guerra" ha massacrato una tribù di amazzoni. Ma quattro delle donne si salvano e iniziano una terribile vendetta contro lo sterminatore e i suoi
Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - -
- «With the untimely death of Lana Clarkson (legal advisors suggested we not use "murder by a crazed record producer"), this takes on a certain poignant quality, especially when she uses lines like, "I'll be no man's slave and no man's whore." Clarkson pioneered sword-swinging feminism well before Xena, and while no-one is going to mistake this for high art, it gallops along at a fine pace - lasting barely 70 minutes, it could hardly do otherwise.
Clarkson plays Amathea, whose wedding day is rudely interrupted when her village is burned and groom (Zagarino) captured into gladiatorial slavery. She sets out to rescue him, along with sidekick Estrild...».
Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Queen of the Naked Steel.